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Skin Care Tips

skin care

skin type tips

Normal skin is that blessing that most of us wish we were born with, skin that neither dries up too much or greases up like a Mediterranean oil rig. But what most of us fail to understand about normal skin is that just because it is normal, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t need care. People with normal skin also, tend to take it for granted.

First and foremost you need to know your skin type, the below chart will help you figure that out.

Skin Type

After knowing your skin type, here are few tips to treat your skin:

1. Use products that are gentle: Use products with textures that complement your skin’s, and avoid harsh products as much as you can because you really don’t need them. Look for products that will shield your skin against irritation from external substances and ageing.

2. Cleanse, tone, moisturize, exfoliate: These four universal skincare steps are for the normal skinned ladies too! Just make sure you use a gentle cleanser, a toner that’s loaded with antioxidants for added skin repairing and brightening benefits, a moisturizer with sunscreen in the day and a replenishing night cream, especially around the eyes. Don’t forget to use a gentle scrub to exfoliate once a week! And don’t ever go to sleep with your make up on.

3. Don’t forget the sunscreen: It’s always good practice to shield your skin against sun damage early by adding sunscreen to your daytime skincare routine. You can also choose a moisturizer with sunscreen in it if you don’t like the weight of sunscreen.

4. Use BB creams: BB creams are the ultimate creams for your skin because with just one product, you moisturises, even out skin tone, conceal blemishes and protect your skin against sun damage. And the best part is that BB creams are mostly built for normal skin (the oily skinned girls may find the formula too greasy and it may be too dry for dry skinned ladies).

5. Tweak your beauty routine based on skin concerns: Normal skin is not perfect skin, unless you are really lucky and sometimes, you will find that your skin has dry patches or that your nose is extra shiny. Tweak your skin care routine to suit those needs. The same goes for ageing care and dark spots.

skin care regeme

Don’t forget to take care of your skin always and follow a regime that suits your lifestyle.

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